Training for Life - Monday, January 29th, 2024

Training for Life

A few of you already knew, and a lot of you if you follow Stouty on social media found out yesterday, but last Wednesday we received a message from Sara, Stouty’s wife that he was at the hospital waiting to have surgery as he had broken his femur.

He is okay, and is home resting.

On Saturday evening Stouty made a post to share on his social media. We’ll include it here.


Listen I’m not a lime light guy, I don’t come on social to talk about myself, I like to be here to brag about my kids and the well as see people do amazing things. But I’m gonna talk about myself here for a minute. I recently have had some bad luck and a few surgeries including the newest one which just happened after a freak accident that led to a spiral compound fracture to my femur. Don’t feel sorry for me I’m not here for that, I want to say the amazing staff @collingwoodgmhospital fixed me up so incredible with excellent care and personal connections I’ll remember always.

I’m here to explain what Ive done for 25 years as a paraplegic is the reason after an accident like that I’m home 15 hours after surgery up and moving around with a leg brace that allows for 0-90 flexion. I’m not laid up in bed with a full leg cast for weeks on end. My bones were not brittle even though I don’t walk. I spent the last 25 years after breaking my back playing sports @wheelchairbasketballcanada , exercising @crossfit_indestri and doing things people said not to do as a person with a disability like mine. My bones are strong, my heart rate didn’t go through the roof or my blood pressure didn’t waiver when I saw my bone sticking through my skin, I held my leg together, stayed conscious, called 911 and my wife. I got to the hospital and the surgeon asked me how I was so calm. I told him once you die and come back to life anything after that is easy.

But really it was having confidence in my health and ability to recover mentally, to be realistic about what was happening and know I’ll be ok. Was it scary? Most definitely, Will it require hard work? yup. Does that change anything? Nope. Will I get back to healthy? Yup. Is it all under my control? definitely. So I guess my message is, do what you need to be successful in the future not just today, build confidence in yourself so when you are in a tough seemingly hopeless situation you know there’s a brighter side coming. There’s a comeback on the horizon and it’s up to you to seize it. I’ve done the work previously to be ready for today, don’t just see today and understand the valley is as only as deep as you let it become. It’s time for another rise and I’m all in. See you soon.

What we do at CrossFit Indestri isn’t about the flashy stuff. Sure that’s cool, the Muscle Ups, the Handstand walking, etc. It’s all a seriously cool piece of what we do, but the reason we train, the reason we preach movement standards, the reason we do hard things, it’s all to ensure that we’re strong both physically and mentally for what life throws at us. Stouty’s strength just happens to be second to none.

Please join us in wishing Stouty a speedy recovery. He’ll be back coaching with us in no time. But for a little while our team has got him covered.

Monday, January 29th, 2024


3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3


For time:
30 Power Snatch 115/75
60 DU
20 Power Snatch 115/75
60 DU
10 Power Snatch 115/75
60 DU

Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD .
Contact us: Address: 200 Mountain Rd #3, Collingwood, ON L9Y 4V5 Phone: (705) 444-0006 Follow us on Instagram @crossfit_indestri


Change - Tuesday, January 30th, 2024


High Intensity not Max Intensity - Friday, January 26th, 2024