‘Tis the Season to Lift Heavy - Friday, December 8th, 2023

‘Tis the Season to Lift Heavy

It’s CrossFit Total Day!

What does that mean? Typically once a year, in December we hit CrossFit Total. It’s a benchmark WOD in which we give you 15 mins per lift to find your One Rep Max Back Squat, Shoulder Press, and Deadlift, in that order.

That means you’re lifting as heavy as possible in each lift. Safely, and only with good form. Like we mentioned last week, in order for a rep to count it MUST be performed to standard. If you’re not below parallel on the back squat, it doesn’t count towards your total. This is not to be mean or make you feel badly, this is because we have a standard of movement, and in order to understand progressing we have to uphold those standards. Otherwise we will never know if you’re actually progressing.

So if you're someone who struggles with depth, that’s okay. While the goal is to lift as heavy as possible, it’s only meant to do so within movement standards, good form, and safely. So if you need to take a 0 on one of the movements, that’s okay, make a note in your own book so you know. But chances are for almost everyone that won’t be the case. Pretty much everyone can squat at least some weight below parallel, even if that’s just an empty bar. No shame, it’s how we know what needs work. So you take a score on the board for the weight that you can squat BELOW parallel, anything at or above parallel won’t count on the leaderboard, but you can make a not in your own book that you hit that weight, at parallel. Again, there is no shame, the standards are the standards so that we have a target to measure progression.

On the Shoulder press, this is completely strict, no help from the legs at all. No momentum from the barbell first dropping and pressing up, etc. Completely strict. Full lockout overhead.

On the deadlift, full lockout at the top with the body in line, shoulders, hips, knees, all locked out before you drop the bar. With this lift, if your back is rounding or in a compromised position we will shut down the lift. While we want you to lift heavy, you being in safe positions is more important to us.

Please also just keep in mind all the factors that are going to also play a role in your total day.
The workouts leading up to the CFT will have an impact.
How you have been sleeping will have an impact.
How you fuel will have an impact.
How you hydrate will have an impact.
The movement standards will have an impact.
How often you’re been training will have an impact.
For ladies, where you are in your monthly cycle will have an impact.
Basically everything plays a roll. So if people around you are PRing, and you aren’t. Consider everything that might be playing a role. We know the expectations that people place on PR’s. Just keep in mind, nothing is actually expected of you, aside from achieving the proper standards of movement, a having some fun playing with some heavy weights while giving it your best shot.

Now with all that said, CrossFit Total is a really FUN day at the gym. It’s an opportunity to truly push yourself, and in many cases, push yourself until you fail.

‘Tis the season. Go lift heavy!

Friday, December 8th, 2023


CrossFit Total

1 RM Back Squat
1 RM Shoulder Press
1 RM Deadlift

Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD .
Contact us: Address: 200 Mountain Rd #3, Collingwood, ON L9Y 4V5 Phone: (705) 444-0006 Follow us on Instagram @crossfit_indestri


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