Friday Nights - Wednesday, October 16th, 2019
Friday Nights
Week One of the 2020 Open + Friday Nights Lights is down! Great job to everyone who took part + thank you to those who came to help judge + cheer everyone on!Also huge thanks to Nick + Cody from Bent Taco for coming + cooking up some incredible tacos for everyone to enjoy after! So yummy!!We want to remind everyone of a couple things. With the Open kicking off on Thanksgiving weekend for us, we know some of you were unable to attend Friday Night Lights + we did our best to accommodate another time to have you judged.We will be holding the Open on Friday Nights from 5:30pm until 7:30pm (depending on the workout length). This is the only time we have set aside for judges + to do the workout. The Open for 99% of us, is about coming together with our friends | fellow members, being encouraged + supported + having fun!! This is what Friday nights are about. It takes away from the true atmosphere of the open when you‘re not in this Friday Night environment!That being said, we do know some of you have other commitments + work shift work, if you are unable to come to a Friday night lights based on one of those reasons, we need you (you must) chat with one of us about a time on Friday during the day, or another possible time. (During Class times on Saturday, Sunday + Monday are not an option!) Arrangements need to be made ahead of time.((**This coming Friday both Steph + I (Jen) are out of the facility during the 9:30am + Noon classes + for a good chunk of Open gym time, as we’re hosting a CrossFit Indestri workout at Cameron Street Public School for kids from Grade’s 1 -8.**))We absolutely love the Open, we love having members from all different class times come together on Friday Nights, we love having big crowds of members come in to cheer each other on! This is why we encourage you to sign up, + come on Friday Nights!CrossFit Indestri does not make any money off the open! The $20 you pay to register goes 100% to CrossFit HQ! The Open for affiliate owners actually turns into a lot of added work for 5 weeks. It can be overly stressful, ensuring everyone gets their workout in, making sure we have enough judges, making sure everyone submits their score, that the scores are correct, validating the scores, making sure the open workouts don’t interrupt regular programming + regular scheduled class times.But, we do it, + we encourage it, because we love the community it brings out! We love the magic that surrounds the open. We might never know what it feels like to step on the ice of an NHL hockey game, or on the field of an MLB game, but we can all experience the exact same workout the Elite Games athletes are, we get judged, we get cheered on, supported, etc. As stressful as it can be for affiliates, we absolutely love being able to give you that experience each Friday Night for 5 weeks.Get ready for 20.2! For those not participating, please still come in + cheer on your fellow members, your encouragement + support brings the magic of the environment to another level!We will have some other local companies in on Friday Nights during the next 4 weeks as well! More details on them soon.....
Wednesday, October 16th, 2019
WOD : 28 mins
Level 1
Level 4
Cash Out:
Coaches ChoiceCheck back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD .Contact us:Address: 200 Mountain Rd #3, Collingwood, ON L9Y 4V5Phone: (705) 444-0006Follow us on Instagram @crossfit_indestri