Why CrossFit - Wednesday, May 16th, 2018

Why Do we teach you CrossFit?

CrossFit: Constantly Varied, Functional Movement done at High IntensityWe talk about this a lot but we have tended to forget to really talk about why we love it and what it actually is. I know most of us just come in and workout with people we enjoy to spend time with, do what the coach says in hopes to leave a bit more fit then the last time you were there. In my opinion that is essentially what CrossFit should be for everyone... Fun, Fitness and Family. Now 1 % will successfully compete at the games and regional's,  many will partake in the open and 20-30 % will compete in fun competitions not sanctioned by CrossFit but feature mainly CrossFit style workouts. These are great and show us the sport of CrossFit and for those who enjoy it, I think that is also great. But what I think needs to be reminded is CrossFit is why we want to teach it to you.

CrossFit is Classes,

Crossfit is coached/instructed, it's fun and it is scientifically founded.  I consider myself very luck y to not only be able to coach you guys at CrossFit Indestri, but to coach other coaches across the globe as well. We teach Coaches and athletes how to adapt movements to achieve the desired stimulus whether you have 1 arm, you are a teenager, use a wheelchair, blind, deaf, 70 years old or just a beginner. We teach programming, instruction and how to still involve everyone and be inclusive like Crossfit was designed.

Fun Fact:

Most of the worlds largest gyms that produce those elite CrossFitters (Games athletes) have an actually signed policy that those athletes and coaches must do 2-3 classes a week and then do their other programming outside of that time not during class time.

Why do you think they do this?

They do it because even the best need a coach to look at their movements and being part of the community on a class level is what CrossFit all about.  If they don't do these things they may as well be a garage gym athlete and isolating yourself from the community, which goes against what Greg Glassman intended when he created the program we all love or love to hate :)Admittedly,  this for even me has been lost as I coach a lot and travel and work... all excusesAnd I am telling you here now you will see me in class. I usually train when you are gone, in my garage, on the road or at 8:00am. But honestly I have fun the most lately when I'm on the road because I am dropping into gyms and don't want to be that guy who comes in and does his own training at some other coaches gym.. I feel like that makes me look like I think my training program is better then what they are doing. But I jump in those classes and reminds me every time how much Fun CrossFit is and why i started, why i bought a gym and why i teach it to other coaches and athletes other than you guys ( who are the most important).More to be continued on Friday!See you in class.Stoutyhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cxE2C9EJRYo 

Wednesday, May 16, 2018


800m Time Trial


Strength WOD

4 rds60 Second HS Hold - accumulate60 Second Bar Hang - accumulate4 Man Makers 50/352 Laps Farmer carry - 50/35 - no drop 10 push up penalty for drop.

Level 2

60 Sec Ring plank or kb plank hold60 Sec Banded Bar Hang4 Man makers 35/202 laps Farmer carry 35/20 - no drop.

Level 1

60 sec hang with Box60 sec OH Plate Hold4 Man makers 25/152 laps Farmer carry - no drop.

Cash Out:

Mobility.Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD.Contact us:Address200 Mountain Rd #3, Collingwood, ON L9Y 4V5Phone(705) 444-0006Follow us:


Honouring JY - May 17th, 2018


What's Happening - Tuesday May 15, 2018