Open Prep - Wednesday, January 31, 2018
Open Prep
This coming Friday night, Coach Steph will be at the helm for Coaches Bias. This week the class will be geared towards a gymnastics open prep class. For those of you looking to work on gymnastics based skills, to get that pull up, C2B, Muscle up as well as HSPU. Coach Steph will be talking you through an hour of work to assist. This is your chance to get started, don't leave it until you hear Dave Castro announce the movement to decide to start working on it! We all know it's coming!For those who may not know, Coach Steph didn't just become good at these movements through CrossFit. Before she came to CFI, she spent years as a gymnastics Coach! While she loves all that is CrossFit, gymnastics is her specialty! Use her! Ask her for assistance. Nothing is more exciting to her or any of coaches than to see you achieve your goals!We'll see you at 6:30pm on Friday for Coaches Bias. ((Anyone can attend, not just for those in the open!))
Wednesday, January 31, 2018
OH Squats2-2-2-2-2.
3RFT500m Row21 OH Squats 75/5512 T2B.
Level 2:
3RFT500m Row21 OH Squats 55/3512 T2Ring.
Level 1:
3RFT350m Row21 OHS PVC12 Knee Raises.
Cash Out:
Coaches Choice.Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD.