Unique - Tuesday, February 27, 2018


The most unique thing about the Sport of CrossFit, is the fact that while it is a competition and people are competing against one another, they are also supportive and encouraging on one another.  Time and time you will see elite level athletes competing in the Games finish their workouts and go over and encourage and support their fellow competitor.It's one of the best part of the community.  That same supportiveness also trickles down into the regional and the open levels of the competition as well.We as affiliate owners love the open!!  We encourage you to sign up.  The open isn't exactly easy on affiliate, in fact it can be 5 weeks of a lot of work!  Countless hours of judging, making sure movement standards are met, trying to work about class schedules to fit in workouts when needed, reminding athletes to get their scores submitted, validating scores, etc.  BUT that being said, we LOVE it.  We absolutely love the vibe and sense of community that comes with the open.  This is part of the reason why each of us fell in love with CrossFit.  Watching your pure support and encouragement of each other, and your elation when a PR happens or at the completion of the workout!  It's incredible!  Imagine what the world would be like if everyone was this supportive and encouraging with one another on a daily bases!For those members who aren't able to take part in the open, we would still encourage you to come out to the open workouts to cheer on your fellow members on Saturday's, and if you haven't experienced an open workout, please try and make one.  There's a different energy in the building, and everyone should experience it!We also have different vendors coming to set up and sell gear every week.  This coming Saturday Monkey Butter will be on site!  It's AMAZING! 

Tuesday, February 27, 2018


Snatch ComplexEvery 2 Minutes for 12 minutes : Build to WOD weightSnatch PullPower SnatchSnatchOH Squat.

WOD: 13 Minutes

5 Min AMRAP5 Power Snatch 135/9530 DUThen Rest 3 Minutes5 Minute to find Heavy Single Snatch.

Level 2:

5 Min AMRAP5 Power Snatch 115/7530 DU MixThen Rest 3 Minutes5 Minute to find Heavy Single Snatch.

Level 1:

5 Min AMRAP5 Power Snatch 75/5560 DU SinglesThen Rest 3 Minutes5 Minute to find a Perfect Snatch 

Cash Out:

Coaches Choice.Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD.

Contact us:

Address200 Mountain Rd #3, Collingwood, ON L9Y 4V5
Phone(705) 444-0006
Follow us:

Let's Talk Nutrition - Wednesday, February 28, 2018


Proud - Monday, February 26, 2018