A BroDown - Tuesday December 12, 2017

To our Men at the box,

We have had a few requests for a boys night, in the past we had a ladies only event and Women Strong weekend hosted at the gym.  So to be fair we have set a date for the dudes, bros, chaps or in rare cases the gentlemen haha. The purpose of this is to meet the other guys at the box as you know most of us are creatures of habit, stick to our same paths and since we have quite a few new dudes in the mix, it would be a good chance to meet new friends and just Bro Out.We will have A bro's Only workout followed by a BBQ and then social beverages over at Sidelaunch.

Date & Time:

This Saturday December 16th at Indestri.3:00 pm WOD Followed by a pot luck BBQ, then Sidelaunch for those interested in a few social beverages.

Free admission

But we ask you bring a toy for the toy drive and we will post a list of meats at the gym and you can sign on to bring some to help out. As always other treats are always well received.Please confirm if you are attending to Stouty by either Text or email. Email: stouty@indestri.com Text: 705-441-5251

On the fourth Day of CrossFit our coaches gave to me...

4 Wall Balls3 Burpee Box Jumps2 ATLAS STONES G2Shand1 HSPU

The Wall ball


Tuesday December 12, 2017


Barbell Hip Thrusters7-7-7super set withBarbell Roll outs4-4-4.


4 Rounds of:Every 3 minutes Complete:40 DU20 Alt Db Snatch 35/2010 Wall balls 20/145 DB Burpees 35/20.

Level 2:

Every 3 minutes Complete:40 DU Mix20 Alt Db Snatch 35/3010 Wall balls 14/105 Db Burpees 35/20.

Level 1:

Every 3 minutes Complete:40 DU Mix20 Alt Db Snatch 20/1510 Wall balls 14/105 Db Burpees 20/15.

Level 4:

Every 3 minutes Complete:40 DU Mix30 Alt Db Snatch 35/3015 Wall balls 20/145 Db Burpees 35/20.

Cash Out:

Coaches Choice.Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD.

Contact us:

Address200 Mountain Rd #3, Collingwood, ON L9Y 4V5
Phone(705) 444-0006
Follow us:

"Fran" Wednesday December 13, 2017


Celebrate - Monday December 11, 2017