Tour CrossFit Indestri - Jan 6/17

Friday's CrossFit Indestri 

Have you seen our Facebook Tour? The first week of January typically has many people looking to kick off their New Years Resolution of getting healthy, getting fit, starting at a gym, etc.  We had a few mins of downtime between classes last week, we decided to do a quick Facebook live tour of our facility.

Free intro session

If you know someone who's resolution is to start CrossFit, please feel free to share our facility with them.  As we can all remember, sometimes the hardest part of starting is actually taking the first step of walking through the door! We offer a free intro session that will continue into a 4 class fundamental if the patron decides to continue. Pricing is listed on our website at

Friday January 6th 2017


Front Squat : 2 sec pause at bottom5-5-5-3-2-240%-50%-60%-70%- (2)80%.

Workout Of the Day:

Lvl 3 & 4Open WOD 15.527-21-15-9 reps for time of:Row (calories)Thrusters 95/65.Lvl 2 Fitness27-21-15-9 reps for time of:Row (calories)Thrusters 75/55.Lvl 1 Technique27-21-15-9 reps for time of:Row (calories)Thrusters 65/45.

Cash Out:

Hip Focus ROM WOD 

Address200 Mountain Rd #3, Collingwood, ON L9Y 4V5
Phone(705) 444-0006
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Acupuncture | Cupping | Gua Sha - Jan 7/17


CrossFit Indestri Snatch Skill Day - Jan 5/17