Measurable - Thursday November 30, 2017


Benchmark WOD's like 'Karen' that we did earlier this week, exist for a reason. They're a baseline of measurement for your training.  And not only for yours, with a Benchmark WOD you can compare yourself to the worldwide CrossFit Community.We all hit the same standards, squat below Parallel, fully extend and hit the target.  These standards all exist for a reason as well.  Your fitness is measurable!Are you getting fitter? How do you know if you don't have the data to back it up? Where do you get the data from?Simple, you keep track!Everyone should have made a note in their WOD books about Karen. What was your time, what weight did you use, how did you feel?  WRITE IT DOWN!  So you can compare when she comes back around and you can bet, she will.....You'll be seeing a few more benchmark's over the following weeks, so if you don't have a WOD book, please get one!We do have some available at the gym as well. 

Thursday November 30, 2017


Skill Work & Warm Up.


5 RFT30 Air squats20/15 Cal10 Burpees over rower or bench/ParaletteRest 3 minutes between Rounds.

Level 2:

5 RFT30 Air squats18/13 Cal10 Burpees over rower or bench/ParaletteRest 3 minutes between Rounds.

Level 1:

5 RFT20 Air squats15/10 Cal7 Burpees over rower or bench/ParaletteRest 3 minutes between Rounds.

Cash Out:

Coaches Choice.Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD.

Contact us:

Address200 Mountain Rd #3, Collingwood, ON L9Y 4V5
Phone(705) 444-0006
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Heavy Day - Friday December 1, 2017


Fill the box - Wednesday, November 29, 2017