WOD - Thursday December 14, 2017


We hope you enjoyed Fran…  Well as much as anyone can enjoy her.  She's certainly one of the nastiest benchmarks out there.  We also hope that you discovered a new level of intensity today with her.To be able to hit a WOD as prescribed "RX" is amazing and something to be proud of and strive for.  But it shouldn't always be your goal, if it means that by doing so you're changing the intended intensity or stimulus that the workout is meant to have.  The goal with Fran was to aim to hit it around the 5 mins or under mark.  For many that meant that you hit Fran with an empty bar.  Which is totally fine and in fact it was encouraged, we wanted you to feel the intensity that a regional level athlete feels on Fran.Check out this blog post we did on finding intensity awhile ago.  CLICK HERE When we talk about checking your 'ego' at the door, it's on days like today that it's important.  If you hit Fran RX'd but did it in 10+ mins today, you did not get the intended stimulus out of the workout that we wanted.  This is when we ask you to trust your coaches and the process.  We want to get the best out of you!Congratulations to everyone that tackled her today!  Be sure to write down the weights you used, any scales for the pull ups, your time, and how you felt!  She'll be popping up again a couple times in 2018 and we want you to be able to measure how far you've come when you tackle her again!

**A friendly reminder, as always, please sign in to class!!If you don't sign in, do not be surprised if the coach gives you burpees!**Fun Fact - Did you know that there are many CrossFit gyms out there, that if no one signs in to class up to 2 or 3 hours before class, there is no coach in the building and the doors are locked! 


On the sixth Day of CrossFit our coaches gave to me...

6 KB Swings5 Pull Ups4 Wall Balls3 Burpee Box Jump Overs2 ATLAS STONES G2Shand1 HSPU

Thursday December 14, 2017


Deadlift3x3(add 10lbs to 1RM)70%-80%-90%.


20 Min EMOMOdd: Row 15/12 CalEven: 20 KBS 24/16.

Level 2:

20 Min EMOMOdd: Row 13/10 CalEven: 20 KBS 20/12.

Level 1:

20 Min EMOMOdd: Row 10/7 CalEven: 15 KBS 16/12.

Level 4:

20 Min EMOMOdd: Row 15/12 CalEven: 25 KBS 24/16.

Cash Out:

Coaches Choice .Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD.

Contact us:

Address200 Mountain Rd #3, Collingwood, ON L9Y 4V5
Phone(705) 444-0006
Follow us:

Friday December 15, 2017


"Fran" Wednesday December 13, 2017