NYE -Monday, December 31st, 2018

Goal or Resolutions

Do you create New Years Resolutions or set goals for the upcoming year ahead? What's the difference? A goal is a specific achievement, ( get a pull up, or run half marathon.) A resolution is a permanent change in your life, something you keep doing daily. ( Stop drinking, eat green veggies at every meal, etc.)

Whether you have goals or resolutions, or both. It's important to keep them realistic. Don't set the standard so high that it's unable to do/reach. Or set the timeline too sort. If you're goal is to get a Muscle up for example. Let's first make sure you have a pull up, + a chest to bar pull up. If you don't, then let's look at revisiting the timeline. That's not to say you shouldn't keep that goal, but let's set some more attainable steps between.

We want you to be successful! Whether your goals or resolutions revolve around the gym, if there is anything we can do to help you achieve them in 2019, let us know. We're here to help!

Reminder that we're closing on Monday at 1pm for New Years Eve + will reopen New Years Day for a 10:30am WOD only.

Have a fun + safe New Years Eve!

Invited if you want to:

Side note here from coach Stouty,

I will be tackling the hero work out CHAD at 8:00am during open gym on the small side. The workout is 1000 Step-Ups with 45lb pack on. We have a small group forming and if you want to join feel free. The workout is to be done with a 45lb pack on but you can do it in a vest as well, with out any weight or we can hand you a sand bag. I will be doing this as vest push ups to box.

The workout was originally posted by my boss and director of training for CrossFit, Dave Castro. Castro served with him in the Navy and Chad's Wife (Sarah Wilkinson) is a Seminar Staff L2 & L1.

At Chad's funeral his wife Sarah mentioned to Castro that Chad had once done 1000 step ups for time with a 45 pound pack on a 20” box to train for climbing Mt Aconcagua. Castro decided to celebrate Chad's life with friends, Boz + Hobart by doing this workout + since CrossFitters all over the world have been doing Chad to honour American Hero Chad Wilkinson.

Chad Wilkinson, Husband, Son, Father


Movement Prep
- Clean
- OH Squat
- Thruster
- Shoulder tap
- T2B

WOD : 31 min clock

0:00 - 10:00 (10 min AMRAP)
20 Box Jumps
19 OH Squats 75/55
20 Shoulder taps ( plank position)
19 V- Ups

2:00 Min Rest

12:00 - 21:00 (9 min AMRAP)
31 Lateral hops over bar
31 Thrusters 45/35
12 T2B
12 C2B

1:00 Min Rest

22:00 - 31:00 9 minutes ( For time & Load)
365 DU or singles
31 Cal
20 kb Swings 32/24
19 Goblet Squats 32/24
Find 1 RM Clean with remaining time..


Cash Out:
Coaches Choice


Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD


Contact us:

Address: 200 Mountain Rd #3, Collingwood, ON L9Y 4V5

Phone: (705) 444-0006


Happy New Year - Tuesday, Jan 1st, 2019


Sunday December, 30th 2018