Options - Monday, April 6th, 2020


We know we don't all have fully equip home gyms at home.  So look around your homes for things you can safely use during workouts.  Do you have 2 green bins for groceries?  Try adding some things to them for things like deadlifts, farmer carries, etc.  Sandbags and backpacks are great, you can use them for most movements, and add some weight by adding books, etc.  Bags of potting soil mix.We saw Sam Briggs using some cement blocks for her thrusters yesterday.https://www.instagram.com/p/B-lEWCaFpor/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_linkTake this time, during these workouts to focus on the movements.  Dial in techniques during the workouts, trust us, you'll still get in killer workouts.If you find a piece of unique equipment that works well for you, let us know what you're using.

Monday, April 6th, 2020

Equipment:Barbell, KB, DB,Home Options: *These are just some suggestions, please select items you can use safely.Loblaws Green Bins (fill to make them heavier), backpack, logs, cement blocks, sandbag

Buy In:

10min EMOM1- 15 Banded Good Morning2- 6 Lateral Burpees Over Object


1min Russian KB Swings1min Plankx 5


10 min AMRAP3 Deadlift (as heavy as possible for you)6 HSPUs Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD .Contact us:Address: 200 Mountain Rd #3, Collingwood, ON L9Y 4V5Phone: (705) 444-0006Follow us on Instagram @crossfit_indestri


Endurance with Nuno Costa - Tuesday, April 7th, 2020


WOD to Honour - Friday, April 3rd, 2020