The RX....Friday, Nov 3rd/17
The Rx...
When a WOD is performed RX'd, that means the athlete performs all modalities using the prescribed weight and reps.
We all see The RX on the board and sometimes we see something that we believe to be insane... But then we look at the results and someone or surprisingly many people step up and perform the workout as prescribed. Understand this, it did not happen overnight, these are not people who have only been at this a year or 2.. These are the people we see do things that seem impossible. But we'll let you in on a secret.They too, at one time looked at the board and said that's impossible.Now, some of us have been here a long time and we still can not perform all wods at the prescribed. Does that mean the workouts are too hard? Or that we are not fit, strong or that CrossFit does not work? Should we just settle and strive for less?The answer is no. You are fit, you are strong and you should strive to get better. So what if you never get a muscle up, clean your body weight or RX the Hero wods..Those things are great accomplishments and they take dedication and extra time that some of us do not have. But, we all have class time and that is when we have chance to progress a little farther or acquire another small piece to the puzzle that we call movement. As long as you're listening to the stimulus that the coach is instructing, taking a chance once and a while to get outside the comfort zone and paying attention to technique and progressions, you will continue to grow and become fitter and more functional movers. The RX is a goal but not the be all end all.
Along come the Levels
Again looking at the levels as the end all be all is not its intention as either, the levels are guidelines to help you understand the stimulus we are looking for and and give you some progressions to help build your ability to advance in movement.For example, you see a workout like this past Monday set at 225/155, there is a small amount of people who can lift those weights at the speed needed to complete that workout at the under 10 minute stimulus we were asking for. But that does not mean we avoid programming those workouts, it just means we scale accordingly and realize this is not a WOD you RX, but instead you understand the clean should be heavy in comparison to your usual lifting and you move quickly on the burpee.
Understanding and Listening to the Coach
We have picked our coaches by experience and education. The coaches that are on the floor at CrossFit Indestri have all been where you are now. They know what it feels like to be humbled by a workout, they know what over training feels like, they have been injured and they have been successful.So instead of thinking you know what is best and learning the hard way, listen to your coach and sometimes that means pushing the ego aside and scaling a workout you know you could RX, but it also means stepping up the ladder of progressions and trying something new or adding a bit of weight to the bar. It works both ways. Your coaches are looking at it from a few different angles and decide what they want to get out of each athlete for that class. They 're looking at the stimulus, skill progression and your own personal level of performance is at. They weigh out all of these things along with factors like how you are moving in warm up, focus, and even more aspects. After taking all those variables in the calculate and then give you a direction to move with that day. We expect you to take this direction and run with it.
So to wrap this up and give you one last thing to think about:Every day you step in the door at CrossFit Indestri we have a plan for you and it may differ from the person standing next to you, but in the end the goal is to get you fitter, become better movers and stay safe while enjoying the time you spend with us. So yes we are looking at the RX as a top level and some days it will be the goal, but as Pat Sherwood says best."#CrossFit is infinitely scalable and literally anyone can do it. The mental strength some people have humbles me. I have been involved in CrossFit for 12 years and I approach workouts and the open with this attitude. If I can hit them rx'd, I will. If not, then...Scaled Division here I come!"#NoEgo #NoShame #AllForFun"The goal is to get fit, make it the best hour of your day, stay safe, turn up the music, high five some people, and blow off some steam. So remember that. Relax. Have fun. Work out." –Pat Sherwood
Friday November 3, 2017
Row 6 x 250m1:1 rest.
Workout Of the Day:
10 rounds of:30 seconds of Mountain ClimbersRest 30 seconds30 seconds of DB/kB goblet squats 55/35 | 24/16Rest 30 seconds.
Lvl 2 Fitness
Db weight 35/20 | 16/12.
Lvl 1 Technique:
Db weight 20/15 12/8.LEVEL 432/24
Cash Out:
Coaches Choice.Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD.