A day in the life - Friday, June 7th, 2019
What does it take to be an Elite CrossFitter?
As some of you know I remote coach a lot of athletes including one I met last year after Wodapalooza and he told me he finished just over 1000th in the world wide CrossFit Open last year and wanted me as his coach with a goal of making it to the 2019 CrossFit Games. Thats a loft goal and I was unsure but his drive and skill level was Elite he just needed some guidance and maybe we could move him up that ladder. We began to goal set and discuss weakness and strengths set time lines of prep competitions and testing phases and off to work he went. Omar Martinez is born raised in Venezuela and currently lives and operates a gym in Argentina. After about 9 months of working towards Omars goal with early morning face time training, late night whatsapp convos 100's of hours of video training review we approached the open this year with the goal in sight. his strength was greatly improved, his gymnastic skills are elite and his drive is as big as any athlete i've ever seen. He was ready!The first workout showed up and 2 of his weaknesses were there, wall balls and rowing... after week 1 Omar was in 800th place, but we re-grouped and the next week he crushed it finishing in the top 50 sores on 19.2 and moved in 400th just like that we were back in the mix. each week he did better then the week before and when it was all over he was sitting in 90th place in the world and first in Venezuela and 2nd in all of south America!! He had done it, he had achieved his dream and accomplished a goal punching a ticket to the CrossFit Games. Omar had to give up almost everything he enjoyed to do and he dedicated all his time to Crossfit Training for a year!
So what did it take to get here?
It took discipline to train every day, to spend hours on recovery and nutrition prep, learning mental focus and doing things you absolutely do not want to do. It took going to sleep when your friends went out, it meant getting up at 4am for video review with a coach across the the world who didn't have time for excuses. It meant he had to live, sleep eat and breathe CrossFit.He did it all on his own with a lot of supporters but he had to do the work and make the sacrifice.
Rough Week?
I wanted to take this week to give you an idea what goes into his daily training so I took his training from a Monday ( 1 days worth) and programmed it for you guys over the whole week. Thats right he did all the work you did this week in one day, and he does that 5 days a week with one full rest day and one skill and endurance day as his other days in a week. I actually brought the weights down from his program for this week because some of them are incomprehensible to even imagine doing. He does this volume day in and out doing every discipline you can think of and more and he does with a smile on his face! He does it because he wants to be the best.Omar will be here at Indestri from July 12-July 28th training & prepping with me and then we will head to Maddison and I will do my best to guide him through the journey and cheer for him when he does well and pick him up if he needs a boost. I couldn't be more proud of him. He has also given me a dream fulfilment as well, as when I started to coach CrossFit I told myself one day I will be the first adaptive coach that would coach an athlete at the games and now I get to do that. Over the year I have learned some Spanish (mostly swear words) how to be more compassionate at the same time learning when to push and when to give space. I thank Omar for this opportunity to help him to his dream.
A Request:
One thing we are looking for in July is a place where Omar can stay. Somewhere he can get the rest he needs and without many expenses. So I am reaching out to you guys to see if anyone would be willing to give him a place to stay? for a week or the full 15 days. My house is too loud with little kids no extra bedrooms and he would not be able to get the rest he needs, unfortunately a hotel would be too expensive for him. If anyone can help, let me know and we can make arrangements. He will spend most of his day training and the other time resting and recovery.The dream is almost here for him and I can not be more excited!Reach out to me by email if you can help?stouty@indestri.com
Friday, June 7th, 2019
Level 2:
Level 1:
AMRAP 102 Banded BMU4 Ring/Kb Push-ups8 Kettlebell Swings 20/12100 Singles
Cash Out:
Coaches Choice.Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD.Contact us:Address: 200 Mountain Rd #3, Collingwood, ON L9Y 4V5Phone: (705) 444-0006Follow us on Instagram @crossfit_indestri