The Recipe - Friday, June 15, 2018
The Recipe
It's the time of year when so many people are scrambling to get "beach bodies", and many program out there will claim to help you get abs in just a few weeks. Many will also claim that there are magic supplements, drinks, or secrets to do just that.Here's our secret recipe. But it's actually not a secret, it's pretty simple, and it's been proven to work time and time again.
Eat Meat, Vegetables, Nuts & Seeds, some Fruit, Little Starch, No Sugar + do CrossFit
A few key things to note, eat real food! Food that isn't created in a factory somewhere, with tons of ingredients that you can't pronounce. Also just because it has the world paleo or even keto in front of it, does not mean it's something you should be eating all the time. i.e.) Paleo Brownies, Paleo Muffins, etc…When was the last time anyone ate a "Paleo Apple" right never! It's real food, it doesn't need a 'label' in front of what it is ….Also be careful with supplementation. Supplements are just that, "supplements" to your already healthy and balanced diet. Don't think that cutting out a meal and just supplementing with a protein shake is the answer. You might actually need to add a protein shake on top of your meals to ensure you're eating enough! Most of us actually under eat for our body and performance.Most importantly, do not beat yourself up if you treat yourself. It's summer, if you want an ice cream cone, or whatever your treat is, you're a grown up. Eat it, treat yourself, own it, and move on. Maybe don't treat yourself everyday, but when you do, enjoy it, and don't be sorry you did. Just make sure the next day, you get back to your balance.Also please remember, results won't happen overnight.But they will happen. Pay attention to what you put in your body, and move your body.You will get results!
Eat Meat, Vegetables, Nuts & Seeds, some Fruit, Little Starch, No Sugar + do CrossFit
Friday, June 15, 2018
10 Minutes to Warm up to Complex Weight ( HBP)thenComplex10 min EMOMPower Clean2 Front Squat2 Push PressThruster.
8 Min AMRAP8 Thrusters 95/658 Toes to Bar25 Double unders.
Level 2:
8 Min AMRAP8 Thrusters 75/558 Knee Raises25 Double under Mix.
Level 1:
8 Min AMRAP8 Thrusters 45/358 Knee Raises50 Singles.
Cash Out:
Coaches Choice.Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD.Contact us:Address: 200 Mountain Rd #3, Collingwood, ON L9Y 4V5Phone: (705) 444-0006Follow us: