CrossFit Level 1 Experience
Crossfit Level 1 Trainer CourseFebruary 22-23 2014I travelled to Crossfit firepower to attend the Crossfit level 1 certification. The course was 9-5 each day with a test at the end of day 2 to confirm you absorbed what they were throwing down. I had great instructors including games athlete Austin Malleolo.During this course I also had the opportunity for Crossfit HQ to send a media team and film my experience as well as learn some of the ways I adapt crossfit to be able to participate in a wheelchair. Seemed harmless enough, I have done my fair share of filming in my athletic career..... But one thing I have never done is try to do is study for a test, pay attention to instructors, demo movements, breakdown adaptions to instructors and occasionally try to eat something all at the same time.. It was a long few days of interviews, demos and general filming and a lot of Crossfit fun! Luckily I had the amazing team of Chris Cooper and Producer Jeremy Podlog to guide me through the lights camera and action and they managed to make it an enjoyable experience and were very accommodating. It was a great experience and I am honoured to be given the chance to share. One thing I want to let people know about the trainer course, it is a lot of information in 2 days to absorb and although it is the crossfit prescription and very precise the teaching you get at indestri is just as informative and even more detailed in some aspects. The coaches that teach you everyday are well skilled in the Crossfit craft and most important Saftey! Feel good about the coaching you get as if you ever decide to take the L1 you are well prepared as long as you listen in your Indestri classes!I am also excited to be a part of an adaptive movement in crossfit and be able to share the knowledge the coaches at the CF L1 and the coaches at Indestri have downloaded to me. Hopefully this upcoming video being put together will start to show the world what
adaptive athletes are capable of.I could not be in this position without everyone of our members and coaches who pushed me along and cheered for me when I was drowning in my own sweat and pain...It is the reason I drag my but out of bed into the box at 7am, it is the reason I strive to do better and in a world where I have lost so much, it reminds me of all that I have gained! It’s Crossfit..... and if you drink the kool-aid as I do then you know it's family too! Looking forward to the future of learning, attempting, practicing, sweating and some coaching as well.Ps. I passed the course :) Stouty - member of the re classified princess power hourCrossFit Indestri200Mountain Road Unit 3Collingwood, ONL9Y 4V5