Crossfit Indestri WOW for week of March 23rd 2015

15.4 overtop

Another Successful Friday Night Lights!

First of all I just want to say how proud we are of everyone! There have been some amazing accomplishments that have happened over the last 4 weeks. This week was no exception! so far we have seen Chest to Bar Pull ups, Muscle Ups, Overhead Squats and Handstand Push ups. We have seen people get so many firsts and do things they were sure they couldn't! You should all feel good about what you are doing, you coming into the box wether it is to do a Muscle up or Air squat. You are giving yourself a chance to have a happier healthier life! That is the reason we get excited each day and hope it is the same for you.We have one more week left and cant wait to see how this all plays out!Once again we have some awards to hand out:

Best Spirit:

This award goes to a teen that was able to get a first this week! Not only did she get a first she got it 3 times! This teen has been here for as long as most of us and maybe longer. She is a hard worker and determined like her parents and brother! This week spirit award goes to Katerina Meesters. Congrats on the HSPU's we are all amazed. Keep up the great work! We got a Tee for you!teens

Best Performance:

This weeks Best performance goes to a member who is really coming into his own.  Although he has had many battles in his life he manages to get in the box weekly at the 6:30pm spot. He originated in the Beach and came over with the crew. Although you may not have had a conversation with this man if you were at this Friday night light you would be sure to remember his performance! To give you a little background to this award. Coming into 15.4 he had a 1 Rep max Clean of 170lbs. The Rx weight for the clean was set at 185...


This guy has never been one to walk away from a challenge! So in he comes and we have a chat about his plan and he says I'm going for it! And go for it he did! If you haven't guessed this guy I am speaking of is Scott Brown. Scott took on 15.4 and managed to end up with 10 reps total! When he finally got that 1st clean at 15 lbs heavier than he has ever lifted before... The whole gym exploded! His Battle Cry was insane, I was judging right beside him and was lucky enough to catch the top end of it as he stood the first one up!You sir are a warrior and for that we have a T-shirt for you, I wish it was a sword and shield but an Indestri shirt is best I can pull together.beachers

Scott and his Lucky Charms!


Best Dressed:

This weeks theme was amazing and love to see all the Green! This best dressed goes to 2 people who always are up for getting into the spirit! They are tough, funny, hard working and a great example for young girls everywhere!This weeks best dressed goes to The Nichol Girls Emma & Hannah! We have some shirts for you as well!mean green 

Marriage Anyone?


Congratulations to Tammy (Legault) now Baker! I heard it was a blast and welcome to married life! All the Best from your people at Crossfit Indestri!

 Upcoming Events

Coming up this week:

March 25th 

Bowl for Kids sake

Bowl-for-Kids-Sake-680x380We are still looking to fill up a few teams, please check with Michelle Kusiar or Indestri staff if you want to join and we will get you in. It starts at 7pm at the Collingwood Lanes! Come help raise money and support a great local cause. Plus you can see me play one sport that i completely suck at! 

15.5 OPEN WOD - Super Hero Theme!


March 27th 2015

This is the last week of the open and we would like as many of you to come. Please bring some goodies for pot Luck and I will bring some beverages. I would love to see as many of you stick around and maybe have a celebratory dish and drink and meet some of the members you have not had a chance to see yet. We would love to see as many super hero costumes as possible! I know I have been slacking but promise to join in this week! Lets end the open with a Bang! 

Purple Day March 30th

We have moved Purple day & Grace for Grace at Crossfit Indestri to Monday March 30th!Please help us gather silent auction items and buy some purple items to raise money for Epilepsy. We will have shirts for sale courtesy of Monika Howe.grace 

Tip of the week:

The Basics of Pose Running Techniques

By Brian MacKenzie: via Crossfit Journal


 What is the definition of good running technique?

There isn’t one. But why?

These are questions that Pose running’s founder Dr. Nicolas Romanov has asked since 1979 and that I’ve been asking, well, since “shin splints” entered my personal lexicon. So what is good running style then? There are laws that govern us all and there is no changing the way gravity affects us. In every sport the elite all have some things in common: they use gravity to their advantage; they are compact in their movements; and everything is done with almost an effortless approach. How do elite athletes run? If you were stripped of your shoes and asked to run barefoot on the road, would you run the same way as you did with shoes? Why not? Because unless you already run Pose-style, or like Haile Gebrselassie or Michael Johnson, you probably run with your foot landing in a manner that quite destructively sends shock waves up your legs into the ankle, knee, and hip joints. In most cases, your foot will land in front of you. Think about this for a second. If a car were traveling down the street would you stick something in front of it to speed it up? When an object is in motion, if something lands in front of its center of mass, it will either slow down or stop quite harshly. The human foot is designed with enough padding on the ball of the foot for the Tarahumara Indians, certain indigenous peoples of Africa, and our ancestors to get around without Nike Shox. It is not designed for the heel to strike the ground first and to roll through to the toes. Take off your shoes and jump up and down barefoot on your heels. Do it! I dare you! Wait, no don’t, you didn’t sign a waiver! What you should do instead is to jump from and land on the balls of your feet as if you are jumping rope. Then give it a whirl with those heels, or even from “mid-foot.” Doesn’t work so well, huh? This brings up another point. If you were to do a set of twenty jumping squats or a set of twenty jump rope jumps, which would be a more efficient movement for getting your feet off the ground? Obviously, the jump rope hops require less muscle activation, less energy, and less effort. In part, this reflects the difference between muscle contraction (jumping squats) and muscle elasticity (jumping rope). That makes the difference between finishing a marathon ineffectively and finishing a marathon effectively. One will have a lot of pain associated with it (for various reasons I will talk about in another article), and the other will have much less. We like to think of running—or other movement— happening in three separate phases: the pose, the fall, and the pull. The pose is the point at which your foot passes under your center of mass and you make the shape of the number 4 with your legs and look great. The fall happens when you let go, use gravity to your advantage, and just fall. You can see the slight forward lean in both pictures. The pull, where the supporting foot is pulled, instead of pushed, from the ground and movement continues. You can see this happening in photo 3, where the rear leg is still bent but coming off the ground. You can also see how neither foot is in contact with the ground at this point. If you are not in contact with the ground, you cannot get hurt! As a 180-pound man whose background is in power and strength sports, I am by definition not a runner. Now, though, some would beg to differ as I have completed several runs ranging in length from 5 kilometers to 101 miles. There is a reason that, at 180 pounds, I am faster than most men and women 30 pounds lighter than I and why I have the ability to run for 100 miles at a time. It started by changing the way I ran. I have worked at it since 2001, and I have trained others at it for more than three years. I am by no means fast but I sure as hell am more efficient than most. Learning how to run properly and train properly (and safely) is why I can do this.pose-running  

Its time for the Piece you have all been waiting for! I appreciate you take the time to read the blog or at least scroll to this section :)

Its Coach Todd's last programming and I want to thank him for doing a great job! It is not an easy task and I think you came up with some creative ways to make people sweat! The Wods have been tough and Indestri athletes have taken them on head first. Great Job!Also Thanks to Jennifer Nichol for always capturing incredible moments at the box! finally we get one of you!jnic

Now time for the WOW!


The WOW for March 23rd at Crossfit Indestri is:


MONDAY: Cardio? I think its Spanish for "Ah Crap" 


Buy In: Warm up rowing with rowing, my kinda programming.

Light 500m Row

2 Rds

10 x Jumping Squats

10 x Mountain Climbers

10 x Atomic Sit-ups

10 (each arm) x DB Tricep Extensions

Focus: The Gym was dirty this weekend, so I decide we could do some cleaning.

Power Clean (Not a Muscle Clean, remember the quarter squat for the catch)


WOD: At least your not Running this week....

2Km Row (this may mean bike or ski erg depending on class size (we will scale distance)

Be consistent, there should only be 5 seconds between all 500m splits. Yes you should be keeping track.

Cash out: Strict is best practice

3 x 5 Strict Pull-Ups


TUESDAY: Making time for work is also good ;)


Buy In: Ahhh nice and easy no sweating

Burpee Broad Jump (there)

Walking Lunges (back)

10 x PVC Pass Through

10 (each arm) x KB Press

Group: Just kidding now you can sweat

5 Min EMOM

25 DU’s

Focus: "You can do it, put your Butt in to it"

Dumbell Flys


WOD: We interrupt your regular programming with Inch worms

100 Interrupted Thrusters 75/55

at the top of every minute you must do 2 x Inch Worm Push-ups before continuing with Thrusters

Cash out: I love that Todd thinks that Deep ring dips are a bonus!

500m easy row to help push the Lactic Acid

Thoracic and Should Mobility

*Bonus* 5 x 5 sec Deep Ring Dip Hold, must press out at the end of each.


WEDNESDAY: It's not the Chip Wagon... but if you finish today...

I say head there next!


Buy In: Its just a little run, nothing to crazy..

Run 800 (Hope its warm or dress warm)

2 Rds

10 x Med Ball Push-Ups

10 x Wall Squats

10 x PVC Pass Through

Bear Crawl (Forwards then Backwards)

Focus: I waited, then did a pull up. Is that right?

Weighted Pull-Ups


WOD: It's a Chipper! Oh how I missed you!

40 DU`s

30 KBS 23/16

20 Push Press 95/65

10 Bar Facing Burpees

20 Push Press 95/65

30 KBS 23/16

40 DU’s

Cash out: Its a Hold up! give me all your .... Plates? 

5 x 20 Sec Plate Hold 45/25 (10 Sec Rest)


THURSDAY: I want you to know, you're my favourite

(Yes you and no not them... just you)


Buy In: Get your legs warm and ready to _______

30 Cal your choice (Assualt Bike, Ski Erg, Rower, 150 DU’s)

Group lead by coach

Hip Mobility

Ankle Mobility

STRENGTH DAY: I Lied on Monday & Wednesday but it's because I love you.... don't buy it? 

(Seriously remember your my favourite tho)

1 MILE RUN (for Time) dress for the weather!then




5-5-5-5-5 (each arm)

Cash out: Advice from coach Todd

Mobility/ Skill Work

(Think, “What don’t I want to see??????”, then work on that)


FRIDAY: Predictions? 


Open Skill Work 15.5 

I predict Pistols, Rowing & Box Jumps


Well There you have it!

Remember to Hit Yoga up! Classes have been packed and the Saturday Class will switch to Mondays as of April 6th and will be at 7:30pm

Chris”I have not been right on any open prediction yet”Stoutenburg


CrossFit Indestri “The Collingwood Original Crossfit”

200 Mountain Road, Unit 3

Collingwood, ON L9Y 4V5

705 444 0006


Crossfit Indestri WOW for week of March 30th 2015


Crossfit Indestri WOW for week of March 15th 2015