CrossFit Indestri WOD for January 2/17
Welcome to 2017 at CrossFit Indestri!
Here we go CrossFit Indestri!
As you have noticed at CrossFit Indestri we are trying out the original daily CrossFit WOD post again for the month of January and assess how it is received. As we grow and evolve its also fun to remember our roots as well. When CrossFit Indestri began you actually didn't know the workout until you got to the gym... at least now it will just have to wait until the night before.We had a great turn out for our new years day WOD and we survived the randomness of the wod dice deciding our fate.. Well done to all who attended and hope to see all of you that did not make it Sunday, out this week to start your year off in the right direction.
Goal Setting
This time of year many people start to set goals for the upcoming year. This is fantastic to do, Goal setting is a great way to stay task oriented and accomplish parts of your fitness that you may not address in a day to day setting. One thing we want to remember when we are setting goals is to keep them realistic and achievable. Example if you set the goal of not drinking alcohol but in January you have a trip to wine country scheduled, then this is not a very realistic goal... setting your self up to succeed is a key component when selecting a goal.Many models of goal setting have been designed but we like to encourage people to use the SMART technique.We should address the above measure by asking ourselves these questions:Finally when we are setting goals use the resources around you. Your coaches are all accomplished individuals that have worked through and completed many specific goals. They are experienced and have used multiple techniques to get the results desired. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness, it is a skill set and a great way to succeed in life and the gym.Stay tuned to this weeks blog for more tips on goal setting and be sure to ask your coaches for help when deciding on what you want to accomplish in 2017.
Do not rush this process take your time to set your goals.
Now for our first CrossFit Class of the Year. When possible Start each week with a Monday class and get into the groove right a way. This will help you set the tone for the upcoming week.
Monday January 2nd 2017
Floor Press4x6Super set with 3 Strict Pull ups ( Add weighted sets for those with solid strict's).
Workout Of the Day:
E4MOM for 20 minutes50 DU15 Burpee over Box 24/205 C2B.Lvl 4 Comp50 DU15 Burpee over Box 30/243 MU.Lvl 2 Fitness100 (Alternate 3 Singles 1 DU)15 Burpee over Box 20/167 Pull ups.Lvl 1 Technique150 Singles15 Burpees over box10 Kip swings or Ring Rows.
Cash Out:
2xMEIron Cross Holds with Irons.Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD
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