New Move of the Week
To keep things varied at CrossFit Indestri we are always trying to find new complex movements and ways to keep you entertained with some links to thought vs movement.
This Sunday at 10 am we will be adding Med ball single leg glute bridge.
At indestri we offer a lot of specialty classes ( listed below) , specialty programs like Squat clinics, nutrition seminars, weight lifting seminars, endurance work, mobility programs and we do this with out increasing the price tag or charging extra because we believe your your health and wellness is worth the extra effort. (This is also why we do not offer discount rates to new members.. why would we discount for people who are new and not for the loyal members?)
Anyways we encourage you to take advantage of these and to reach out to your coaches who would gladly spend a few extra minutes to go over something in more detail and aid in some exercises or mobility movements that can help you out. Your Health is our first concern and we want you to have the best experience possible. Let us know if there is something you would like to see and email myself, Jen or Steph and we will do our best to add this to your programming.
Specialty Classes at Indestri
Reminder if you are looking for some specific work we offer many specialty classes to help you with thoseSundays:9 AM Mobility10 AM (90 min class) Strength & Conditioning -Power lifts and stability Core work. Better your squat and PullingSaturdays: 9 AM Partner WOD (work with a partner to accomplish the task)10 AM Heavy (strongman- learn to be powerful and move awkward objects)Fridays: Rotating every Friday 6:30pm1.Gym-nasty (dial in your gymnastic movements and learn some new ones)2. Intra-murals (fun team WOD)Thursdays6:30pm Oly Lifting – Get your technique right, learn to be a better more efficient lifter7:00pm Striker class ( strap on the gloves and work with coach Jay learning to punch and stabilize the core)Wednesdays7:00 pm Endurance head to the CCI track with Coach Steph and build your anaerobic capacity. There is a CrossFit Indestri Endurance facebook group if you would like to be added let us know. This isn't a coached track session, more a group of people coming together to work on endurance. Everyone is welcome to come, just check the FB page for times, or ask Coach Steph.Tuesdays 7:30 am Striker class ( strap on the gloves and work with coach Jay learning to punch and stabilize the core)
Women Strong
Get your partners together ladies, registration for this event is open and spaces are limited! Register now! The all NEW Women Strong pairs competition will take place at multiple boxes across Canada on Saturday, September 17th, 2016. CFI has been selected as one of the affiliate host locations. A % of the registration dollars will go to support My Friends House!UG Series is also bringing their amazing Women Strong Retreat back for the 2nd year. The inaugural event was held in the summer of 2014, with CFI has the location for their in gym sessions, this event saw a group of like minded women of all athletic abilities in CrossFit come together for a weekend to train with, be coached by, and hang out with 4 incredible women/coaches/athletes in the sport of fitness. Michele Letendre, Jenny LaBaw, Katie Hogan and Sam Briggs!
The Women Strong Retreat
will be coming back, October 20th, 2016 weekend, CFI will once again be the host location, which we're super excited about. For the retreat they are bringing in coaches Jenny LaBaw, Katie Hogan, Sam Briggs and Becca Voigt. To train with, hang out with and coach a group of like minded women who enjoy fitness at as sport. It's open for all fitness levels.Registration will go live this week, stay tuned to UG Series and Women Strong social media pages for those details.
**Please note, that as they are using our space for this event our hours of classes will be limited or modified to off site locations during those days!
We’re honoured to have these ladies coming to our affiliate once again, these ladies are all phenomenal woman/athletes, some of the most elite women/an incredible coaches in the sport of fitness.The UG Series Women Strong events are about women empowering women through fitness, in support of our local women’s shelter.