50 days until 2017 Reebok CrossFit Open - Jan 4/17

Reebok CrossFit Open

We're just 50 days out from the start of the 2017 Reebok CrossFit Open season.

The CrossFit Games are the world’s premier test to find the Fittest on Earth. World renowned as a gruelling test for the world’s toughest athletes, it's a thrilling experience for spectators.The Games season is broken up into three stages. The first stage is the Open. Over the course of five weeks, we will hit one workout a week.  This five-workout competition is held in CrossFit affiliates and garage gyms around the world. Anyone can participate in this global test and celebration of fitness.  We're encouraging all our athletes at CFI to sign up and join in the fun!The workouts are released online each Thursday, and athletes have until the following Monday to submit their scores. Anyone who's at least 14 years old can sign up, and join in the first stage of the CrossFit Games season. This year's Open kicks off February 23, 2017.

Registration begins Jan 12.

You don't have to be the fittest to participate. Your best is enough!!It's almost time for the 2017 season. games.crossfit.com.We'll be sharing more details about how the open will work at CrossFit Indestri this year.  For now, mark Jan 12th on your calendar as the day you're going to register for the 2017 Open!|| Join our 6:30pm WOD on Friday nights for Open Prep!  It's a great way to get ready! ||

Wednesday January 4th 2017

Focus: 20 mins

BEHIND HEAD SPLIT JERK5-5-5-3-340%-50%-60%-70%-80%.

Workout Of the Day: 10 mins

9 min AMRAP10 T2B20 Wall Balls 20/14.Lvl 4 CompSame as above but Must Be Unbroken Sets.Lvl 2 Fitness9 min AMRAP10 Toes As High as Possible20 Wall Balls 20/14.Lvl 1 Technique9 min AMRAP10 Hanging Knee Raises20 Wall Balls 14/10.

Cash Out: 10 mins

E2MOM for 10 minutes40m (100/75).Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD

Contact us:

Address: 200 Mountain Rd #3, Collingwood, ON L9Y 4V5
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CrossFit Indestri Snatch Skill Day - Jan 5/17


CrossFit Indestri Box Rules/Etiquette - Jan 3/17