Squat must be perfect - January 13th 2017
How To Squat Properly?
Knees Out vs Knees in Squat:
As many of you know I harp on squat technique and I spend a lot of time studying many different "Specialists" One that I highly regard and use many influences from his books, podcasts, instructional videos and website is the infamous "Kelly Starrett" Kelly has received a lot of flak about the “Knees Out” cue for squats from the body building, "joe fitness" community. In the video he clarifies what he means and makes a lot of good points. Just like you shouldn’t let your elbows flare in the bench press or let your back round in the deadlift, your knees coming in is not optimal squat position. "Knees out is just a cue. Think Knees Not In."For a more in depth discussion check out Kelly’s 3 part series about the topic here.[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zBsFsqFFM1g[/embed]
More in depth conversation
Also here is another continued conversation I found really interesting as this discussion continued in the world of fitness and CrossFit talking about the Knees Out Squat Cue. Anyone who is in my class will hear me use the "Knees out" squat cue. I do this is to help you think about how to track your knees and keep tension in the mid foot. This cue may also be followed by "toes forward", "Weight back" or "Chest Up" . Regardless of the specific Cue, a good coach will address a technique flaw and if the cue is taken in wrong context.. then we explain or change the cue to get the result we desire from the athlete. when you have a moment listen to these interviews and learn a bit from one of my favourites.[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fjyt91VIR9c[/embed]
"Let’s use the mobilizations as skill transfer exercises to do the most important thing."
Friday January 13th 2017
Focus: 20 mins
Back Squat5-5-5-5-540%-50%-60%-70%(2)Tempo Squats 4-2-1.
Workout Of the Day: 20 mins
Chipper20 Min AMRAP500m row40 Front Squats 155/10530 Pull ups20 alt single arm Db Snatch 35/2010 (5/5) Alt Pistols Lvl 4 Comp: 20 Min AMRAP500m row40 Front Squats 185/13530 C2b20 alt single arm Db Snatch 55/3510/10 Pistols.Lvl 2 Fitness20 Min AMRAP500m row40 Front Squats 125/8530 Banded Pull ups20 alt single arm Db Snatch 25/155/5 Box Pistols.Lvl 1 Technique20 Min AMRAP500m row40 Front Squats 95/6530 Ring Rows20 alt single arm Db Snatch 20/105/5 Rack assisted Pistols or Seated Pistols Box stand from box.
Cash Out: 5 mins
TabataDb Curls
Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD