A few BIG ones - Thursday, November 30th, 2023

A few BIG ones

We have a few big benchmark workouts coming up over the span of the next few weeks. From Fran to the Totals. Here’s the deal with them.

If your going after the RX on a workout like Fran, the RX is not only the weight, it also includes performing every single rep of the workout, and also performing those reps to the standard for every single rep. Your chin can’t “almost” get to the bar on some of the reps, it must be over the bar on every single rep. You must show a full lockout at the top of each thruster, no punch outs, and squat to depth.

For the Totals that are coming up. They are two different workouts in which we find your 1 RM of three different lifts. These lifts only count towards your total if you perform them to movement standard. If you can not get to depth on a back squat, you take a total of a 0 for that lift towards the total. That’s okay, in your book you keep track of the lift you were able to hit, (not to depth), but you make a note so that the next time it comes up we can work towards it. That’s how we measure your progress. If you Squat 200lbs to parallel you don’t get to count it towards your total, it must be below parallel. That’s the standard of movement. This isn’t us being mean. It’s actually the opposite, it’s good coaching, and that is truly what we do first and foremost, coach movement. How you move is more important than any time, or number. The reason CrossFit has movement standards, is because fitness is measurable. If you hit 200lbs to parallel, and the next time you test a 1 RM back squat you hit 180 lbs below parallel, you’re going to wonder why you’re 20 lbs lighter, and maybe even get upset, when actually, you’re hitting the movement standards now so it’s going to harder. Hopefully that makes sense.

If you’re new, if you’re working towards standards, etc. It’s all part of the process of your progressions in CrossFit. Everything takes time, and nothing is given, you have to earn it all. So if you’ve been missing the end range strength in movement, it’s going to show. Again, that’s okay, it allows us to work towards fixing it.

These blog posts are not written or meant to call out any athletes, they’re written to share information and knowledge. These are all things we were taught when we first started CrossFit, and now in some cases we take it for granted as a given that everyone should just know, when in fact we were taught, and need to remember to continue to teach, hence the blog post knowledge shares.

Thursday, November 30th, 2023


Sumo Deadlift
7 - 7 - 5 - 5 - 3 - 3


5 Rounds for Time

15/12 Cal Row
10 DB Weighted Box Step Overs 50/35

Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD .
Contact us: Address: 200 Mountain Rd #3, Collingwood, ON L9Y 4V5 Phone: (705) 444-0006 Follow us on Instagram @crossfit_indestri


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