Protecting It - Thursday, August 24th, 2023

Protecting It

Now that you’ve read Nicole Carrolls words about the CrossFit Ethos and the values, and even the importance of protecting it, we’re going to highlight some pieces.

We’ll start with the accountability piece. Nicole wrote;

Your effort in the gym is measurable. We have turned fitness into sport using a whiteboard as our scoreboard. We ask you to record your results to measure progress, and we ask you to share your results with coaches and with each other to help support that progress. This is tied to results, but it also develops accountability.

The whiteboard drives effort and is a place where everyone gets to see, scaled or not, that we did the same workout, and in the act of sharing how each of us did that day, we make ourselves vulnerable. Effectively, we say, “This is what I had in me today, for better or for worse.” There is no hiding. It takes courage to do this, day in and day out. You cannot hide or deflect; you take responsibility for where you are on any given day. This approach fosters a community built on deep accountability: personal responsibility plus courage.

Nicole also explained the importance of giving your coaches a score on the whiteboard at the end of class. And why if you don’t it matters. She wrote;

To protect our ethos, we must protect our methodology. If you miss or dilute a single piece of the methodology, you start to lose its efficacy, its “magic.” In other words, you don’t just mess with the methodology, you mess with our ethos. You mess with the very heart of who we are and what we are recognized for.

Imagine, for example, that we stopped measuring results. Suppose we stopped putting points on the whiteboard because it intimidates some people or makes some people feel bad. You can easily see how all the values would fall apart like a house of cards:

  • We’d lose our understanding of what truly works and end up adopting unproven methods.

  • We’d lose our accountability because we’d no longer have to display the courage and personal responsibility to own our results, to tell the world, “This is what I had in me today.” Instead, we’d be able to hide.

  • We’d lose our strong sense of belonging and camaraderie because the connection that comes from sharing our effort and the outcomes would be gone.

  • We’d lose a critical tool our coaches use in the service of helping us reach our fitness potential.

  • We’d also lose the community-driven inspiration and lessons we get from fellow athletes’ results.

  • We’d even lose some of our resilience and grit because we aren’t being held accountable to push ourselves, to dig deeper and drive adaptation with intensity. Without data, we’re just guessing at how hard we’re working.

Thursday, August 24th, 2023


WOD Prep


Hero WOD Jerry

1 Mile Run
2Km Row
1 mile Run

Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD .
Contact us: Address: 200 Mountain Rd #3, Collingwood, ON L9Y 4V5 Phone: (705) 444-0006 Follow us on Instagram @crossfit_indestri


Virtuosity - Friday, August 25th, 2023


The Values - Wednesday, August 23rd, 2023